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Recalls and Field Safety Notices
PAP travel briefcase
PAP travel briefcase
Briefcase open and empty
Briefcase open with PAP device packed inside
Briefcase hooked on to handle of suitcase
Man standing in airport with suitcase next to him with travel briefcase attached to suitcase
Man packing PAP device into travel briefcase
PAP travel briefcase
Briefcase open and empty
Briefcase open with PAP device packed inside
Briefcase hooked on to handle of suitcase
Man standing in airport with suitcase next to him with travel briefcase attached to suitcase
Man packing PAP device into travel briefcase

DreamStation PAP travel briefcase

$149.95 CAD

  • The DreamStation PAP travel briefcase gives patients an all-in-one carrying option to organize travel items both CPAP related and not.

  • We offer free shipping over $100, within Ontario.